GenOne Additional Home Information

Self-Propelled Reel Lawn Mower


The facts are in: "Green" is a better way of designing and building a home right from the start. With energy-efficiency and sustainability as the leading design factors, healthy living environments and careful resource management follow right behind.

Find more about Living Green here.

Energy Efficiency Light Bulbs

A well designed, energy-efficient home should be at least 20-30% more efficient than a standard home. With additional features that can be introduced into the design... a green home has the potential to be 50-60% or even more efficient!

Find more about Energy Efficiency here.

Spray Foam Insulation

Energy-efficient homes reduce the need for the extraction and burning of fossil fuels that are the primary source of energy for residential homes. The less energy you use, the less air pollution is generated. It is a win- win situation; You pay less in monthly operating costs for your home, and you help protect the environment at the same time.

Find more about Green Design Benefits here.

Sunset Over the Lake

Designing a Custom Home requires very careful planning. No one component or element stands alone; each separate piece works in unison with all the rest. The whole house needs to be thought of as an entire package..... (it is more than a plan or a picture out of a book). It requires the consideration of all aspects of the house: "the whole house". Some of the puzzle pieces that together form a green home are: efficient appliances, proper insulation, lighting     requirements, low-energy heating and cooling, building orientation and location, efficient doors and windows..... the list goes on.

Find more about Whole Home Design here.

Green Home Makeover

GenOne Architectural Group was proud to take part in a complete 'green' home makeover. The owners of a 30+ year old West Michigan vacation home wished to expand it and turn it into a year-round residence. They also wanted to make it as energy-efficient as possible and make the renovation as ecologically sustainable as possible. We designed the 'new' home, then followed the renovation's progress. Even though the home is now much larger than before, the owners hope to reduce its overall energy usage by 75%.

Read about the Woodka Renovation starting HERE.